Thursday, August 19, 2010
A simple life
Estoy viviendo la vida simple, aquella en la que mis unicas complicaciones son las del trabajo, porque aparentemente, segun he decidido mi vida sentimental es nula e inexistente.
La vida simple que no cambia, que aburre, la vida que dia tras dia trae las mismas cosas, las mismas interrogantes y el almuerzo desabrido inventado a ultimo momento.
No me quejo, dentro de lo que cabe. Y supongo que todo lo malo lo olvide si el olvido consiste en dejar de pensar en algo a cada instante, hasta ahora solo tengo este pensar y este desasosiego que no quita el tiempo.
Las canciones suenan y no me recuerdan a nadie, el almuerzo sigue tan mustio como la lechuga que compre anoche en El Nacional y el vacio es el unico que asiente y que me entiende casa vez que salgo temprano y me voy directo a casa.
No me quejo, estoy viviendo la vida simple, a simple life.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Una pequeña tristeza
Friday, August 06, 2010
saints and guilts
Amy Winehouse said it first... ''the guilt will kill you, if she dont first''.
I wish I could go one day without dealing with guilt and thoughts that do not help me at all. Toughts of my property and from any other random stranger (or not so stranger) who decides to walk next to me. At least Im not drinking…
I look back to a recent past and I know for sure I don’t want to repeat past mistakes, the type of mistakes that which lead me to cigarette burns, tears on the floor and half a million undelivered letters, Im ‘‘mature’’ enough to know that by this time I should have been a thousand miles away, or playing it cool with my fellas, but I guess that’s where all the problem is located. Im not a cool kitty, I have 3 to 5 existencial crisis a day, I could drive the sanest human being to the most absolutely misery just with the power of my words, and if I don’t get this, at least Im able to say that I can appear like a really unstable woman when it comes to emotions.
Maybe I should run away even from myself for a couple of days, only until I gain back some of the sense of control Ive lost during this unholy war…